

Courses will require a minimum number of students. If the number is not met, we reserve the right to postpone the class to another later date. Your class reservation will provide precidence over new registrations.

Refunds are only available prior to 24 hours of scheduled class time. Any cancellations after that will not receive a refund. 


EVOC – Emergency Vehicle Operator Course

What is the EVOC Course?

A course designed to enhance safe vehicle operation by stressing theory and principles of defensive driving in both emergency and non-emergency situations. Additionally, the course gives you (the emergency driver) all the vehicle codes of Virginia which will affect you. This course is designed to help reduce the number of crashes involving emergency vehicles. The course includes classroom and driving range skills. This class is not designed to teach the student to drive, but rather to explain how emergency driving differs from non-emergency driving. Although some driving experience will be gained through the practical exercises it is strongly recommended that the student have adequate driving experience in the vehicle.

Levels offered will be appropriate for the requesting authority and generally consist of light (Class I), medium (Class 2), and heavy vehicles (Class III).  Departments that have specialty vehicles may request other levels to include Tractor Drawn (Class IV) and ARFF (Class V).

Note: A current edition of the EVOC textbook is required by each student taking this course – cost of textbook for students is $5.00.  The textbook can be downloaded from the VAVRS Website at no cost.  Students may use to review before and or during the class on their own electronic device, however, please be aware not all training sites have internet access.

Course Hours:  16

Reference Materials: One of the reference items: EMS Driving The Safe Way, by Gloria Jean Peto & William J. Medve – this is not a book used by the students but reference material only

Basic Course Prerequisites: 

  • Minimum of 18 years of age first day of course
  • Valid operator’s license
  • Affiliated or have pending affiliation with an Emergency Services Organization


Course Price – $100 per student

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